1. Copyright of work submitted while applying for the IIA Awards will remain with the original author.
2. All materials submitted for the IIA National Awards will be retained as property of IIA.
3. The original author or the copyright owner of the work, while applying for the IIA Award(s), grants non-exclusive license, with no claim to compensation, to IIA and its assigns to display, publish or otherwise exhibit the work as it may deem appropriate.
4. In case the original author is not the copyright owner but is applying for the award, the applicant shall furnish a valid exclusive license authorising it to submit and grant non-exclusive license to the Indian Institute of Architects without any payments and/or royalties.
5. If any violation to the stipulations mentioned herein is brought to the notice of the Organizers along with documentary evidence, the organizers reserve the rights to withdraw / cancel the application / award.
6. Presentation of an Award to any entry in no way legalizes its status.
7. Decision of the Chairman and Members of the IIA National Awards Committee shall be final in respect of all matters concerning the IIA National Awards for Excellence in Architecture 2023.